Friday, June 20, 2008

AIBA - light boxing (english )

The executive of big companies, the liberal professional and the general public are searching more and more for ways to relieve tension, whilst improving their general health, and boxing is one of the most common strategies utilized.
A public minority has the idea that boxing is a ‘violent’ sport, however, this is starting to change through Olympic boxing, thanks to its extensive form of rotection.
It is well-known that the preoccupation of people with high degrees of competitiveness and professional responsibility would like to practise boxing, without suffering physical damage to their esthetic, as well as their general, well-being.
It is wise to point out that the age group that has looked for this option is getting higher by the day, between 35-70 years. Older people practising this sport do exist, with the advent of the medical release.
These days, women have also been submitted to the same conditions of work and stress; and consequently have found pleasure in the practise of boxing.
From the orthopedics stand-point, it is important to have a good warm-up, around 15 to 20 minutes, with a prolonged session, around 20 to 30 minutes, for the stretching and flexibility exercises, taking into consideration that a greater stiffness in the tendons and muscles exists with people of a more advanced age, especially at the
beginning of the session. In this initial stage it is important to rehearse the
moves that relate to the sport, especially for those who have never practised boxing; such as swirls, punches and torso movements, etc.
These movements gradually gain in intensity, speed and strength, always considering the age and technical level of each practitioner.

This practice must be done with gloves, which for this style should be bigger, from 15 to 17 ounces, and softer than the norm and are already available on the market.
The head protector, softer and offering more protection, will be used in
any activity that involves contact with an opponent. The shoes, preferably, will be specific to boxing, however the use of a sneaker with good shock absorption is also satisfactory.
From the physiological standpoint, those interested in teaching these classes should consider the following factors: Warm-up boxing exercises should be the priority with particular focus on the muscle group, therefore the first phase should have emphasis
on the muscular strength and resistance with exercises that are complimentary to boxing.
The level of conditioning and physical capabilities of the student should be considered at the start of the activity. The class should be 30 to 45 minutes for beginners and from 45 to 60 minutes for advanced students, taking into consideration it is a class geared for any age group and level of training, with no set age group, always under surveillance and observation of a physical education professional.
The objectives of this class are to: alleviate stress, increase the amount of calories burnt, change physical composition, increase strength and muscular mass, socialize and provide an outlet for the natural competitiveness of people.
As a competitive format, according to age, it is suggested:
l Under 35 years - Four rounds of two minutes with one minute of rest.
l 35 to 45 years - Four rounds of one minute 30 seconds with one minute of rest.
l 45 to 50 years - Four rounds of one minute with one minute 30 seconds of rest.
l 50 to 60 years - Three rounds of one minute with one minute 30 seconds of rest.
l 60 to 70 years - Three rounds of one minute with two minutes of rest.
l Above 70 years - Three rounds of 45 seconds with two minutes of rest.
Depending on the degree of activity and training time there are exceptions in which athletes of a higher age group can practice in a lower age group. There are four basic categories matching weight and degree of training, with the age group:
Light - below 60 kg.
Medium - from 61 to 75 kg.
Medium Heavy - from 76 to 85 kg.
Heavy - above 86 kg.
Consideration must be taken of the number of participants that exist. It is worthwhile mentioning that pre-existent pathological conditions should be taken into account, without the need to forbid the practice if it is supervised by a sport doctor or specialist. However, due to this, a physical and medical evaluation has to be made.

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